Street Photography
What is Street Photography?
While there can be countless interpretations of all photographic pursuits (good luck defining a "studio"...), I have yet to engage more passionately with photographers about any other style than Street Photography.
What makes it Street?
The lens? The location? The subject? The influences? The distance? The spontaneity?
Each one seems to carry with it lines of purity, that if crossed are immediate means for expulsion.
So why are these lines so blurred and specific to the individual...
What is Street Photography?
Professional or Hobbyist, a photographer needs reps. Street Photography provides me this practice.
I am gifted the opportunity every time I go out to see light, composition, personality, environment interacting with subjects all around me in an ever changing studio setting.
What is Street Photography?
To me, amongst other things, it is about People.
I accept and understand that Street Photography can exist without the human element included in the image, but I find, personally, that there is always something lacking if I haven't made a connection.
This connection could be a conversation, or simply a moment of eye contact.
This personal element will always be a necessity to my street photography.
M. Thurk