Chef’s life
Find your corners.
In any kitchen you better find your corners as a photographer. Find that space that you can put your back or shoulder against something that isn't
on fire.
There's nothing more unsettling to hear than a quiet kitchen.
Give me the chaos of cooking. The cacophony of orders being given and received. The agitation of productivity.
The deafening sound of success.
Sometimes the barrier from front to back of the house is breached when you push through the swinging door, your first test of competency determined if you hit anyone or anything upon entry.
An immediate pass/fail.
Other times you have to swim from the guests side of the restaurant to the working side, across a current of servers and staff, as they purposefully move from the pass to the tables, often with searing hot plates or expertly concocted cocktails. It's in these moments, without transition, that you're immediately in the thick of the action.