“What kind of photos do you like to shoot?”
It's a question I hear all the time, and for a while I had no idea how to answer it.
Fitness. Portraits. Cooking. Product. Sports. I couldn't find the thread that joined all these different types of photography. Years into photography I finally understood what it was that brought these all together, and what drives my interest in every assignment.
It's your story.
It exists in every assignment, and is what keeps me coming back. Listening, interpreting, collaborating, experimenting, and ultimately producing an image - The process is all based on your story.
To tell this story, I search for moments of authenticity, using natural light and shadow to enhance the raw beauty of these experiences.
Though an image reflects a singular moment, in that split second when the shutter opens and closes, a complex array of feelings and emotions are revealed. My goal is in conveying these complexities to others.
So now, when I'm asked, what kind of photos do you like to shoot, I have an answer.